Who’s the fairest of them all? – Nikki Wishart ’17

Nikki Wishart ’17, released her second single “Mirror Mirror’ via Spotify on Friday. Nikki hopes ‘Mirror Mirror’ shines light on looking beyond the mirror – realising self-worth, and making friends with your fears.

Nikki believes songs are “interpreted by people the way they want to receive it. Everyone will take pieces of their life experiences to draw out the meaning behind a song. That is what makes music special. That it’s universal. I hope this song reaches at least one person who needs it. That’s why I write music. Not only for its therapeutic properties but to allow others to not feel alone”

Stream ‘Mirror Mirror’ now on https://ampl.ink/nDkl8 If you are an alumni musician and would like to reach, connect and support with other like-minded alumni contact Mirella – Mirella.Busso-Lee@ivanhoe.com
