Stephanie Carroll ’10 supports Mental Health Victoria

Stephanie Caroll  ’10, a creative at heart always knew she needed to harness that side of her personality.

After graduating from year 12, she completed a Diploma of Visual Merchandising at RMIT followed by a Bachelor of Design at the University of Melbourne, major in Graphic Design, minor in architecture and design histories specialisation.
For the last 8 years, she freelanced specialising in events – particularly for large public events which sparked an interest for her in project management and communications, so she decided to commence a Post Graduate course in Project Management at RMIT.
Stephanie considers her current role as a Project Officer for Mental Health Victoria (MHV), aligned to her views and sense of community strength and resilience.

The Research, Engagement, Collaboration, and Information (RECI) project, is to assist in identifying, recognising, and addressing the gaps in knowledge and awareness with sectors that are currently not accessing mental health training/services across Victoria.

Stephanie’s role is to co-design and implement a comprehensive strategy to engage with the community mental health sector and cross-sector services, and broader Victorian community to research and highlight any gaps. She is also creating a framework to address the issues through a training needs analysis and final report, with recommendations, that will be published as an external MHV resource.

Stephanie has invited alumni to participate in the research through a baseline scoping exercise or contacting Stephanie for further contribution targeting specific needs. Individuals will remain anonymous as results will be published collectively.
