Pushup for Mental Health Awareness

You may have seen the Pushup Challenge on your newsfeed. An initiative to raise awareness of Mental Health in Australia. Nat Khwanmuang ’19 saw the post on Facebook calling for participants and immediately gathered some fellow alumni Tim Howard, Blade Cunningham and Riley Booth, to create a team. Nat commented via phone today – “it is such an important cause, probably now, more than ever” Once commencing the challenge Nat realised more classmates (Anthony Chiappalone, Ryan Hogg, Paddy Wong and Quinn Papworth) had also commenced the challenge.

The Push-Up Challenge is raising money to support headspace, National Youth Mental Health Organisation. An organisation working to strengthen the mental health and wellbeing of young Australians. Over the course of 21-days participants will be challenged to complete 3,046 push-ups in total, representing the number of lives lost in Australia to suicide in 2018. All funds will go to headspace. If you would like to support the boys in the push up challenge you can do so by clicking on the link
