Nick ’96 and Daniel ’94 Russian- Bar Bambi

Somethings are worth waiting for. Alumni Nick ’96 and Daniel ’94 Russian have now opened their new venue – ‘Bar Bambi’ on AC/DC Lane, Melbourne.

Bar Bambi officially opened on Thursday November 11, so far being a hit for all with its Italian classics like spicy vodka pasta, decadent Tiramisu Martinis and immaculate luxury design. 

The venue shares its name with a bar their beloved Nonno ran 80 years ago in his hometown of Trieste, in Italy’s north. This is also where the brothers gained inspiration for their own venue.

Nick says the focus won’t be solely on the food or the drinks or the entertainment; rather, he’s trying to strike a perfect balance between all three.

Definitely worth a visit! Check out the article from broadsheet here
