Class of 2020 TRC gather for 1 year reunion

As a result of the disruptive year in 2020, it was wonderful to welcome back last year’s graduates, Ridgeway Campus, back to the School on 30 April 2021 to gather for their 1 year reunion.

Despite being ‘off campus’ for six months,  the most popular comment was ‘it feels like we haven’t been here for ages’ and ‘it’s good to be back’.

Principal, Gerard Foley, addressed the 120 students in attendance and the Year 12 leadership staff reaffirming they are always welcome at Ivanhoe Grammar School and will forever be an Ivanarian.
A majority of the cohort are attending university and enjoying their studies especially being on campus while others are enjoying having joined the workforce
or taking a gap year.

We wish them all the best and look forward to keeping in contact with them.
