Class of 2021 Plenty Campus Valedictory

It was wonderful to celebrate our Class of 2021. After missing out on so much during the pandemic, the Plenty Campus Class of 2021 came together with their family, friends and teachers to celebrate their time at school together. In place of the annual Valedictory dinner, The Year 12 Night of Celebration, was held by Leonda by the Yarra on Wednesday 23rd March 2022 and exceeded all expectations. It was an evening full of joy and laughter with lots of speeches and dancing.

Acting Deputy Principal/Head of Plenty Campus, Mrs Rowe said on the night, “For us all – this is a night of charged emotions – the young people before us tonight had a tumultuous journey through their two final years of schooling. They missed so much – formals, mystery nights, sport, debating, musicals, hanging out with their friends, but they faced it with courage and compassion – never, well, almost never complaining – they just got on with the job and would often say to me – it is what it is!”

The Old Ivanhoe Grammarians’ wish the Class of 2021 all the best for their future endeavors.

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